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Year 20000

To tell the truth, there is no answer to this question.

What is the backstory? What is the current situation? What influences or pressures are there on Mars? In the rest of the Solar System? Perhaps the outside universe?

In fact, given the year is 20,000 AD, are there any actual humans left? The distance between then and now is about 4X that of all recorded human history, and nearly as long as the time since the “Cognitive” revolution seems to have taken place (anatomically human people have been found in the fossil record as far back as 100,000 years, but the sort of creativity and inventiveness that makes us human only appeared about 20,000 years ago). Any sentient creatures alive at that point may well be post human, or even AI’s.

In the spirit of answering, however, I’ll offer this:

In the year 20,000, the Solar System is filled with billions of orbiting objects creating a Dyson Swarm. Actually there are multiple Dyson Swarms, each one radiating their waste heat to the next layer in a complex Matryoshka brain. Since each object is a thin graphine sheet with complex circuitry overlain, the actual mass of the brain is very modest, only that of the Jovian Trojan asteroids, which were consumed by the initial Dyson Swarm project 10,000 years ago, and heavily repurposed since.

Japan regulation on tech sales to protect domestic from foreign aquision + investment. It much cheaper then develop & research like US does.
But now it have been changed ? US lead in tech and Japan lag behind ?

S. Korea have not good education system too ? (mainly knowledge transfer). But there are much student abroad. The competitive is small (since can not compete w big corporate) and may be due to small nation it have to concentrate to few chaebol.

But it seem SK lead some tech ? and many firm ? How can this be explain?
May be China is the answer ?


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